Now a days credit cards rule the world. You can not go anywhere without seeing an ad for a credit card company that wants you to become a member . Many times we overlook the fact that you may be signing a contract that later on you may not want to be a part of or may even regret .  Credit cards are used to make purchases all around the world and in all cases are universally accepted all across the world . Credit cards even offer the incentives of cash back which means that you are able to take physical money off of the credit card in return to pay it back generally at a higher percent . In all cases credit card amounts and their interest rates are determined by 3 major factors which are credit score , your existing credit card availability and your payment history that you have created with those banks . Generally the less a person uses a credit card the higher the limit of that card or existing offers will be . Over 20 million credit card companies across the world are being held as bank sharks for the simple matter that they charge obscene interest rates . Generally what this means is that the higher the interest rate the more money you are actually paying to the pocket of the banks and not towards your own personal debt . Everytime you make a payment the credit card companies take a certain percentage of that payment which is called interest or the monthly APR% . In most cases the higher the interest rate the longer it will take the individual to get out of debt which is actually what the banks want because it means just by raising your interest rate it will often times put you on a longer schedule and you will be left just making payments towards interest only and not your personal debt . We are here to help you . We know that finding a credit card can be hard and that you may often times be a college student , mother , investor , entreprenuer or just need credit for hard times or emergency . This is why we have a guaranteed credit card approval program that will help you with obtaining the right credit card and that will give you a side by side comparison on the card and interest and payment time . This will help you to know what you are signing up for and that you are beyond reason able to make these payments back on time to your. To sign up for a credit card please fill out one of our forms below and a credit representative will contact you with in 24 hours with information .